Week 12 Reading Notes | Extra Credit, Faerie Queen - Britomart

Extra Credit Reading Week 12 | Britomart 

How Sir Guyon met a Champion mightier than himself:

Is this Prince Arthur as in the Arthur that later becomes super famous?? Ooooh an enchanted spear! This has to be the Faerie Queen! I'm confused though, is Britomart supernatural or is she human? The Princess of South Wales seems like a fairly human place to live... 

How Britomart Fought with Six Knights:

Florimell must be a faerie queen. Her aesthetic SCREAMS it. When the woodman comes rushing through I really hope someone is going to save her!! I;m very glad when Prince Arthur and Sir Guyon rush forward to help her.  I also love Britomart, who helped the awesome knight! She's such a badass! 

Britomart in Castle Joyous

I think this part was a bit boring, but it could be fun to do a narrative of Britomart's thoughts throughout this encounter.

How Britomart Looked into the Magic Mirror:

I think this part would be amazing to rewrite!! Briotomart gets so real and so intense, I'd love to share more insight into her thoughts and feelings and have it be less formal! I also love that this goes into the backstory of the mirror! I was so confused before this but it brings a ton of clarity. 

How Britomart went to the Cave of the Magician Merlin:

This was not a very fun part to read. I just kept losing interest. 

How Britomart Set Forth on her Quest:

This one would also be super fun to re-write.  I think this entire tale would've made an awesome project for the semester, but I didn't discover it in time.  UGH



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