Week 5 Story: An Adaptation of Osiris, Before the Coronation

Before the Coronation

(Photo by: Wikimedia Commons)

From his creation, Ra had worked endlessly.  He has asserted himself as King of the Gods.  He had ushered in an age of prosperity.

“Not that humankind is intelligent enough to appreciate my hard work!” harrumphed Ra under his breath, “And these young’uns think they want my job!”

After toiling for years upon years with little thanks, Ra was simply exhausted.  His last wish was to become one with the heavens and look down upon the world he had built.  The more Ra exhausted himself, however, the shorter each day became, and the taller the steps up to his throne seemed.  He knew it was time to name an heir to his throne, but who could ever fill his shoes?  Was he not the almighty King of Gods for a reason?

“These greedy children know nothing of ruling and guiding” grumbled Ra, rounding the corner to the great hall.  His guards opened the double doors, revealing his subjects, eagerly awaiting the announcement of his heir.

Many whispers had reached him over the years, and more whispers reached him now as he made the slow processional to this throne for the final time.  He had listened to each different voice; he knew each of his subjects.  There was little doubt in his mind who to pick.  Ra would have to choose Osiris.

Ra loosed an entirely too tight breath that he hadn’t realized he’d been holding.

Although the choice had already been made, Ra kept second guessing himself.  He knew Osiris would be a fine king… But couldn’t he be a bit more interesting?  He was so bookish.  He kept spouting ideas about spreading “wisdom” to mankind.  What was the point? Shouldn’t mankind have figured it out by now? Why bother with the effort of enlightening the humans? 

Why not pick someone more entertaining? Set! Now that kid would be an INTERESTING King of the Gods!  Sure, he’d ruin all of Ra’s hard work, and yes, he would create civil wars among the gods, but Ra would never lack entertainment. 

But then there’s the business of the prophecy…

“Osiris has come… He’ll be the lord of everything… Yadda Yadda Yadda.  Blah Blah Blah” murmured Ra while hitting his walking cane against the bottom of the stairs to his throne. 

“Pardon me, Majesty?” beseeched an unnerved guard, averting his eyes from Ra’s face. 

“Mind your place, boy!” snapped Ra.  He hated the pitying looks given to him by his staff.  He was old, but he wasn’t dead yet.  If he could just make it up these damn stairs this one last time, he’d finally be able to rest.

What seemed to be hours later, Ra reached the peak of the stairs and turned to face his kingdom one last time.  He had always imagined this as being more joyous.  He had always presumed he’d be ready to go.  He had never imagined that he might miss being King of the Gods.  Standing there for the last time, however, Ra was overwhelmed with emotion.”

“Be se-” Ra cut off.  He cleared his throat carefully, avoiding conveying the sadness he seemed to be drowning in.

“Be seated, my children” he continued, knocking his staff against the floor three times and sitting upon his throne. 

“You have long wondered who I will choose as my heir, although many of you could have guessed who it would be” drawled Ra, making eye contact with Osiris after scanning the crowd. 

“My heir will be the Wise and Just Osiris, as was prophesized long ago.  His coronation will take place today, and I will ascend to the heavens, permanently, tonight” proclaimed Ra in his most kingly voice.  He rose, and his subjects followed. 

He descended from his throne for the very last time and approached Osiris and his consort, Isis. 

“You will not disappoint me,” Ra threatened before dropping to one knee and bowing his head to the soon-to-be king. 

The crowd audibly gasped and quickly followed suit. 

Good, they are still mine to lead thought Ra before rising and exiting the great hall.  

Author's Note: 
I totally changed this story a bunch.  I loved the story as I read it HERE, but I wanted a closer look into how Ra might have been feeling before handing the throne over the Osiris.  I expanded the word count a bit and really took creative liberty with a TON in this story.  It's more of a preface and an expansion on an existing story rather than a retelling.  


Egyptian Myth and Legend by Donald Mackenzie (1907)


  1. Hey Tricia,

    This story was a ton of fun to read! I really liked the decision to write Ra as this grouchy old curmudgeon that was so nitpicky of the "new generation." This decision made it much more interesting to learn of his thoughts as the story went on, as he was truly given a unique voice and personality through the writing. Great job!

  2. Good evening Tricia!

    TAG Feedback
    My reading this week was also about Ra. I missed the deadline to write a story about it due to travel so reading this made me realize that I was way off in my understanding of my selected readings for the week. I like how you portrayed Ra in your story. It was a fun turn of imagination that you took with the character and story as a result. Additionally I would like to know why you chose this route as opposed to making Ra his old self that was reborn every morning and such. Centering the text to the right hand side would be my only suggestion give its my OCD talking but not much to add on that front.

    Once again this was a fantastic story to read and look forward to reading more from you in the future.

  3. Hey Tricia,

    I love the voice you gave Ra. It made me laugh, especially when he describes Osiris as being "bookish." It gives your story a unique narrative and makes it interesting to read. I loved the story. The only things I noticed were grammar and punctuation related, but other than that, you know how to tell a comical story.

    Great job!


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