Week 11 Reading Notes Part A: American Indian Fairy Tales

Reading Week 11: Part A

Iagoo, the Story-teller

I really liked this story.  I wasn’t super sure where it was going, but I think I already love the character of Iagoo.  It would be interesting to retell it from a past perspective and write about the stories Iagoo’s grandfather used to tell him.  I could even tell it from the perspective of Iagoo getting lost in the stories and imagining himself as part of the story. 

I love the dichotomy of the winds in this story! I also love that the South Wind was stronger than the North Wind and brought life!  By the end of this story, I was totally hooked and super excited to move on to the continuation! 

Oooooh, I was not expecting Shin-ge-bis to actually TAUNT the North Wind! I am not surprised at all that Ka-bib-on-okka wanted revenge! I love that The North Wind melted! Having lived in the north for a while, I totally love that this ended with, "Cheerfulness and courage can overcome even the North Wind." 

Yay!!! Iagoo is back!!!  I like that Iagoo didn't exactly know the answer but told a related story! 

I love that the animals and humans worked in conjunction to find the little boy and girl! I also love the moral of this story.  With hard work and patience, even the underdog can accomplish great things! 


American Indian Fairy Tales by W.T. Larned, with illustrations by John Rae (1921)


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