Growth Mindset

Growth Mindset and Influencing the Future

My Stake: 

As a current and forever student, as well as an individual who intends to become an educator, I have a high stake in learning what effectively helps students.  I love learning how to better help others learn.  It's a passion, an incessant need.  Watching the video about Carol Dweck, I saw a way to better myself to help my students in the future.  

How to Implement: 

By fostering an environment which encourages the "not yet" mindset for students, an educator can instill values which will be imperative to success in the world after education.  Students grow up and (hopefully) become productive members of society if they are given the proper tools to succeed.  Tools can come in a variety of ways, and I intend to foster the "not yet" mindset when working with students.  I've dabbled with the idea of one day going back for a master's degree to be able to work with elementary school aged kids with disabilities such as dyslexia, dysgraphia, ADHD, and many more.  If these kids were exposed to a combination of therapy and education to bring them up to speed and get them back on the same playing field as their peers, they could go really far.  If I could take it one more step and use a combination of BOTH therapy/education AND the growth mindset with these kids, they could go even farther.  Not all teaching methods have to be traditions.  My favorite teachers worked outside the norm and made the biggest difference for me.  


  1. I appreciate how you intend on instilling the growth mindset in young minds as an educator. Children are the future of our society and teaching them to face their fears and overcome adversities will be a step towards shaping the world's future. Teaching children to overcome learning adversities will help them realize that they have the necessary tools to succeed in life if they choose to put in the necessary time and effort!

  2. Hey Tricia,
    I am not entirely sure what you meant when you said "current and forever student" but I read it as you consider yourself a lifelong learner far after you have completed your degree/degrees. I think that this is so important and really plays into the growth mindset concept. We are always going to be learning no matter what. I agree with you that my favorite teachers/professors have not been "traditional" and always spoke and taught me in a way that made them stand out. We need more teachers like your future self!


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