Reading Notes Week 14 | Part A, Lang's European Fairy Tales II

Reading Notes Week 14 | Lang's European Fairy Tales II

Half Chick:I love that this little guy is so ready to go face the world even though his mom doesn't think he can handle it! 
Ooooh he turns out to be kind of a jerk though when he wouldn't help the stream! 

Half Chick (cont.):

I get that he's excited to go see the king, but he's being so rude to all these things that need help!
At least he got what was coming to him!

Clever Maria:

Why was the King showing up when he had just called their father to the castle? I have to know! Also why is Maria letting her sisters boss her around? 

Clever Maria (cont.):

I think I'm starting to get it.  Maria just keeps playing tricks on the king. This was super dumb... They literally antagonized each other into what I'm sure is to become a horrible marriage! 

Blue Beard:

This story is so good right off the bat! I've definitely heard of it but I've never read it, so I'm happy to! OMG what's in the little closet, though???? Homegirl, I know you want to look, but you REALLY shouldn't... But do it anyways! 
Of course it's a magical key... He's definitely going to see it and murder her. 
Yikes, that was kind of scary. I'm definitely glad he died and that she made it out alive.  Thank goodness her brothers showed up.  This could be a fun story to retell. 

Toads and Diamonds:

Oooh I love stories with fairies! I think I saw this retold recently in a different book I read! 
I love the term, "ill-bred minx," it's such a good insult. 
I definitely read this retold recently. I love this story! 
I'm so happy that she got to fall in love with a prince! 

Seven-Headed Serpent:

I was reading this and thinking that it almost sounded like a Greek myth retold in English, and then I scrolled back up to the top and realized that was exactly what this was.  

Seven-Headed Serpent (cont.):

This story was super boring for me.  Not my style. 



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