Reading Notes Week 13 | Part A, Nursery Rhymes

Readings Week 13 Part A | Nursery Rhymes


I've definitely heard some of these before! They're way sadder than I remember though...


My grandmother used to recite the nature one about sleep to me!

See a pin pick it up... That's like our penny one! 

Songs, Part 1:

I used to love Little Bo-Peep! I feel like this is more walking down memory lane than reading for a class! 

OMG and London Bridge! It's so different than the one I know!

Songs Part 2:

Hot Cross Buns was in every music class I took in elementary school! 
Three Blind Mice, too! 


Okay... These riddles were ridiculously hard.  At this point I'm not thinking I'll write any stories based upon Nursery Rhymes, but they're super fun to read! 


These have been my favorite so far.  I love the way they roll off the tongue and they're nice and short so I don't have to focus too hard. 

Charms and Lullabies:

"MATTHEW, Mark, Luke, and John,
Guard the bed that I lay on!
Four corners to my bed,
Four angels round my head;
One to watch, one to pray,
And two to bear my soul away!"
This is so stinking cute! I definitely want to use this for my future kids! 


I thought these games were kind boring.  They didn't really keep my attention. 


The Nursery Rhymes Book edited by Andrew Lang and illustated by L. Leslie Brooke (1897). 


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