Week 8 Comments and Feedback

Feedback In: 

I'm enjoying the feedback I've been receiving.  Overall, it's been super positive which is a confidence boost, for sure! I wish that I could receive a bit more criticism, however.  I'm not perfect grammatically and I'm always looking to learn so I'd definitely be open to corrections! 

Feedback Out: 

I'm a bit uncomfortable giving feedback at this point.  I don't like to potentially hurt someone's feelings and writing can be a place where people really bare their souls and I'd hate to accidentally tear someone down.  I've been using examples to help correct some things I've noticed and I like that approach a lot.  I think it's super helpful to be able to see an example of a different way to write something laid out in front of me.  

Blog Comments: 

I think it's really hard to get to know people in any sort of online forum.  I'm such an in-person person.  I think I've really gotten a feel for a couple of my classmates but I'm not sure they know me.  

Looking Forward: 

I still really like my comment wall and my Introduction.  I think they're good representatives of who I am.  I think in the future I'll try to be a bit more detailed in blog comments and try to be not so scared of hurting feelings.  Obviously I'll still try to be tactful but we're here to improve, right?


I chose this feedback cat for a few reasons:

A) This kitten is adorable 

B) I think Laura is really trying to create a safe space for us to experiment with mythology and folklore and creative writing.  I know that it can be really hard to foster the type of environment where people feel comfortable opening themselves up for public criticism, but I think this environment is very conducive to learning.  I feel safe here, like the cat in the picture I've chosen. 


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