Reading Notes: Week 7 African Stories from Lang's Fairy Book Part A

Reading Notes Week 7 Asia and Africa

I think this was a little dull... I'm hoping that it continues as gets better. 

Okay, I wasn't disappointed.  This turned out to be better than I thought it would.  I love that the kid got so sassy at the end! 

I liked this story enough, but I didn't like the lack of empathy and personal responsibility on the part of the animals who weren't guarding the well.  I think they should've brought forth more well thought out offers.

Adventures of Jackal

Oh man, the Jackal really has gotten himself into a predicament here. I'm wondering if he knowingly deceived the panther or if that's just how shoes work.

Adventures of Jackal Continued

It's pretty clear right from the get-go here that the Jackal did this intentionally.  Maybe I just missed that in the first part of the story?  I also feel like the old man was kind of leading the panther astray intentionally. 

Adventures of Jackal End

I'm pretty confused about the Greyhound.  Where did it come from? Was the greyhound actually the panther?

Adventure's of Jackal's Eldest Son

I think the jackal is kind of a jerk.  I don't like this story.  I also didn't have much to say about the continuation of this story.  It just wasn't my style. 

Adventures of Younger Son of Jackal

I also didn't enjoy this story.  I was super glad when the Jackal's plan to steal from the sheep was foiled!


The Orange Fairy Book by Andrew Lang and illustrated by H.J. Ford (1906)

The Crimson Fairy Book byAndrew Lang and illustrated by H.J. Ford (1903)

The Grey Fairy Book by Andrew Lang and illustrated by H.J. Ford (1900)


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