Extra Credit Reading Notes: Japanese Fairy Tales (Lang) Part A

Reading Notes: Extra Credit Reading Week 7, Part A

This story was cute.  I actually really enjoyed it!  It was so happy when the frogs became friends, but also so sad because they just wanted to see, but they didn't think their plan through very well.  If only they could have looked around each other! Oh well, maybe if I retell this story I'll change it up a bit! 

I liked this story a lot, too!  It seems to be a variation of the story The Man in the Moon! I really enjoyed working with this story before, but I don't think I'd retell essentially the same story again. 

This story wasn't my vibe.  It was a little anti-climactic at the end.  I wanted her to have turned ugly, or for the man to have not loved her if her helmet broke.  I was bored when they lived happily ever after. 

I'm glad the neighbor didn't win this one.  He had it coming.  I'm also glad that the dog helped out his humans, even from beyond the grave.  

I'm beginning to get the vibe with this unit that the Japanese fairy tales are all about punishing the wicked.  I had a feeling that the rude wife would be in for a nasty surprise! 

I wasn't sure at all where this story was going, but I'm thrilled that the cats finally got their happy ending! 


The Pink Fairy Book by Andrew Lang and illustrated by H.J. Ford (1897) 


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