Week 2 Reading Overview

Untextbook Plan:

Below you will find my Untextbook plan.  I am particularly excited to read stories from the British and Celtic Units.  Having British, Irish, and Scottish heritage, I want to know more about the folklore from those regions, in particular.  I have also taken Italian so I am excited to read Italian stories, as well! 

If I had to choose one region to add to this course, I would say that Scandinavian and Norwegian folklore is fascinating and could be really cool to add to this course! 

Week 3: The Illiad

Week 4: The Odyssey

Week 5: Folktales of Bengal

Week 6: Ancient Egyptian Myths and Stories

Week 7: Japanese Mythology

Week 9: Tibetan Folk Tales

Week 10: Eskimo Folk Tales

Week 11: Myths of the Cherokee

Week 12: Celtic Fairy Tales

Week 13: Faerie Queen


Week 14: Italian Popular Tales

Week 15: Dante's Inferno


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