Biography | Who Rescued Whom?

Who Rescued Whom? The Story of Savannah Mae Corso Personal Photo from July 5, 2018 I exited the SPCA in the middle of nowhere town in Oklahoma with a very squishy, squirmy bundle in my arms. Big brown eyes peered up at me as we neared the car, and observed my face. Joe opened the car door for me, and as I climbed in, he uttered a hushed, "Be careful!" I rolled my eyes dramatically at him. This wasn't my first time holding a puppy! I'd had dogs my entire life, and he'd never even had one, who did he think he was? Well... technically he was her brand new owner... And I was just his girlfriend who had commandeered his new puppy. Pesky details. We turned the car on and the 13 pound, 6 week old baby girl in my lap shifted uncomfortably, clearly nervous about her new surroundings. We waited a moment until she was a bit more settled and then took off. Straight to the vet for us. We weren't taking any chances with our ne...